Tone Deaf Vet – some words of interest

The Zero Inch Pizza

The cost of one scoop versus two and I accept your comment on the amount of food we need, but I have a have got a theory on this called the ‘zero inch pizza’. Most pizza shops will sell in three sizes, you plot size versus cost on a simple graph and extrapolate back to the pizza of zero size, this will cross the cost axis somewhere, it represents the cost of the business just doing stuff. So in you scoop theory, I suggest that the zero scoop serving is $4.50, and that is the cost of serving you no matter what products you buy.

Bowling Scores and Evolution

The human being as a species is 2% better than the ape. Have a think about the scores in bowling, you can hit 9 pins each frame and score under 100. Or if you improve by one pin and get 10 per frame you bring your score up to 300. But if you look at the maths behind the game, you need to be roughly 10 times more skilled to bring your bowling average up by 10 pins. Just a thought…

What Dogs Mean to Us

A famous Academic talked about Pluto and the dog reference was made clear. But you never mentioned the other dog: referred to as the black dog. You said that often in your profession, it can be 10 years of work, errors and wrong turns. This has to have an impact on mood, stress anxiety and depression. I am in the middle of some related treatment, your lecture last night was a gift to me before I start a new course of medication that will no doubt alter my cognitive processing. Maybe you could use you platform to not only encourage young to get in the field, but also the longer serving ones to never give up. Might I also note that there is a great theory that we speak to dogs the way we wish we were spoken to ourselves…

Toothbrush  Theory

The number of toothbrushes you have shown how complex yours life is. At one stage I had a toothbrush at my old house with most of my storage stuff, Another at my Girlfriends’ house with all my clothes and CD’s, Another at an apartment for work in the City and a 4th set of stuff at sea with me. All were needed, in theory having duplication should have made life easier, but it was just more stuff to keep track off. This is not a point about ‘affairs’ or ‘dual lives’ but even in one open and transparent career life balance, the more duplication you have of the essential items, the less ability you have to settle in ay one place. I think that stress increased by (N) squared rather than just (N).  A bit like a network, the more nodes you have, the more connection you have. Each time a new node appears you get (N-1) more connections. So I look at this in a meeting or work group, the least number of people you can have to get the job done the better, ever extra person (that is not essential) adds (N-1) more interactions. Perhaps the same could be extended for social groups, but as there is not a decision to make, these extra connections add diversity as long as equity remains.

The Sub Atomic Wedgie Theory

My last exponential theory is the sub atomic wedgie theory. Now this does not condone or encourage the wedgie, much as Einstein did not imply Nuclear weaponry, but a discussion on it is non the less interesting. My Son often uses the term ‘Atomic wedgie’ and I have pointed out that most wedgie are actually sub atomic, that is the force applied is less than the square of the distance in feet between crack and cranium. It may be needed to divide this distance by pi to correct for Metric/imperial. He also taught me that often around the early teen years, somewhere when the a voice breaks into maturity that there is often an amazing punch line gurgling away inside them waiting for a joke to be set up; Love these years with your whole heart….